Shraddha Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor get candid with RJ Stutee ahead of their upcoming film Batti Gul Meter Chalu on Hindustan Times’ Aur Batao. Shraddha Kapoor talks about how Shahid Kapoor has changed since she worked with him last in Haider while Shahid talks about his character in Batti Gul Meter Chalu. Both Shahid and Shraddha also spice up Stutee’s Never Have I Ever challenge by revealing if they’ve ever fallen in love while being committed and if they’ve ever lied to the media about a romantic relationship.
Aur Batao is not your regular photoshopped chat show this, but makes hanging out with celebs a whole different (and fun) ballgame. Using her trademark wit and humour, RJ Stutee gets your favourite stars to laugh, share and confess... So get set for the most happening and wacky star answers only on Aur Batao with RJ Stutee.